Gallbladder cancer: Understanding the disease and treatment options available

Gallbladder specialist in Chandigarh
This blog will offer a detailed guide on gallbladder cancer, its signs, and available treatment options. We ensure that this info will help patients to know about this disease and make the best care choices for them.

Define gallbladder cancer.

There is a small organ called the gallbladder that sits after the liver. It stores bile, a digestive fluid made by the liver. Bile aids in breaking down all the fat available in our daily food.

Cancer can develop when the gallbladder’s cells nurture out of control. These are tumorous cells that develop in other parts of the body, such as the liver or pancreas.


In the initial stages of gallbladder cancer, it’s hard to detect. Many people with this cancer do not have any signs until the cancer has developed large enough to press nearby organs or block the entire bile ducts.

Here are some of the common signs of gallbladder cancer:

  • Having yellow skin or eyes (jaundice)
  • Bloating or pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Appetite loss
  • Loss of weight
  • Tiredness

Symptoms linked with pancreatitis can also occur. You should visit the Gallbladder specialist in Chandigarh if you experience these symptoms.


Gallbladder cancer is generally first exposed when a person faces signs. The symptoms can include jaundice, weight loss, and abdominal pain. These are some of the tests that the doctor may recommend for you:

  • The size and location of a tumor can be assessed with imaging tests, like an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI.
  • A biopsy is when a small piece of tissue is removed for analysis. A conclusive analysis of gallbladder cancer can only be made this way.
  • Testing your blood can tell you if you’re healthy and if there’s anything wrong with your liver.

Treatment options

The cure option may vary relying on the stage of gallbladder cancer. Treatment typically includes surgery to eliminate the cancerous tumor and radiation therapy or chemotherapy to kill any residual cancer cells.

If the cancer is noticed in the beginning stages, then surgery is the best option.

However, if the cancer has full-grown to other parts of the body, then fiercer treatment may be vital.

Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy are united with surgery for gall bladder cancer treatment. It can easily help kill all cancer cells after the surgery.

Final words

This simple guide is regarding gallbladder cancer. You can reach out to Chandigarh City Hospital to get the best care at affordable prices if you are suffering from gallbladder issues.


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