Facts and Myths for Conventional Phacoemulsification Vs Femtolaser (LASER) Cataract Surgery (Robolaser Cataract Surgery)

cataract surgery

Facts and Myths for Conventional Phacoemulsification Vs Femtolaser (LASER) Cataract Surgery (Robolaser Cataract Surgery)


  1. Surgery is performed by computer/ Robot: Only the corneal incisions, capsulorhexis, and breaking of the nucleus into fragments (initial few steps) are done by the femtosecond laser machine rest of the surgery is performed as routine conventional Phacoemulsication surgery by the surgeon on the same phacoemulsification machine.
  2. It is a painless surgery: Both the conventional Phacoemulsification and Femtolaser cataract surgery are performed under Topical or Local anesthesia – so both surgeries have no difference in relation to pain, it depends upon the threshold of the patient to perceive pain in both scenarios.
  3. It is bloodless: Cataract surgery is usually a bloodless surgery performed either by conventional phacoemulsification or with femtolaser.
  4. It is a fast surgery: The conventional Phacoemulsication usually takes less time than femtolaser cataract surgery. Femtolaser cataract is performed on two different machines first the laser will do the initial part and then the patient will be shifted to the regular operation theatre for regular phacoemulsification so the total procedure time is increased in Femtolaser surgery.
  5. Phacoemulsification is not required: Only the initial cuts in cornea and capsulorhexis and nucleus fragmentation are made with the femtolaser machine, the remaining procedure for phacoemulsification is performed in the operation theatre with the same machine.
  6. It is Sutureless Surgery: Both conventional Phacoemulsification and femtolaser cataract surgery are Sutureless surgeries. Tough sometimes sutures can be required in both surgeries to seal the incisions.
  7. The lens is inserted by the robot: The doctor after finishing the phacoemulsification inserts the lens in the eye in both surgeries. Any type of Foldable lens can be inserted after conventional phacoemulsification as well as Femtolaser cataract surgery.
  8. It is complication-free: Incomplete cuts made in the cornea and in the capsule by the laser can lead to serious complications and the same incisions may need the same blade as used during conventional Phacoemulsification to open these incisions.
  9. No precautions are required after the surgery: Standard precautions and care and medications are required both after conventional Phacoemulsification as well as with femtolaser cataract surgery.
  10. Faster Healing: As the incisions are created with a laser, the patients usually have a faster recovery as compared to conventional phacoemulsification.



To Conclude: Conventional Cataract surgery is a very effective and safe surgery. People who do not want to invest too much money can still opt for conventional Phacoemulsification surgery. However, a Femtolaser cataract surgery is a new technology and can be opted for selected cases where money is not an issue.

Picture of Vamtam

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